
My so cheated on me when I was eight months pregnant with his child. With a girl that was his “good friend” we live in a small town that doesn’t give you a lot of options for friends. I guess they have similar backgrounds I guess. He had stayed out till 5 with her before a few times actually he promised me that they were just friends and that was all and all it had ever been. So one of those nights he went out she confessed her love for him and he tells me about it and says he not going out with her anymore and I believe him. Sometimes they would run into each other at the bar or whatever. She didn’t like me because I called bullshit on the fact that she didn’t like and she just liked him as a friend I said thats not how girls are and look I was fucking right even though I wanted to believe him. then one night he took his friend out for a few drinks and then he comes home totally fucking shit faced saying he saw her at the bar and then they both went back to her house and he hooked up her ( witch was a lie he texted her and said he wanted to hang out with her) but he is honest with me u think so then he proceeds to say he so sorry he thought it was me and the bullshit goes on and on I’ve always been cheated on In every relationship and I’m used to not being able to trust anyone. He always said he is so loyal and he only ever cheated on his last girlfriend (who he also has a child with and that’s A whole other mess) but I guess I believed him I wanted to believe he was different. But long story short I forgave him and he has been great since then our baby is two months old now and we got to go out for my birthday for the first time last night my aunt baby sat for us we went out to eat then to the one bar out of three I thought for sure we would not run into her but i was fuckiin wrong and she was there. I thought hey I’m not going to let this bitch wreck my night it’s his fault as much as it hers so forget about it don’t let her wreck your birthday the one and only time I’ll get to go out baby free. And they talk like nothing was wrong he didn’t like go sit with her but the usual hey how’s it going was said and this really bothered me but I was like don’t let her wreck your night that’s all she wants to do. Found out they still text sometimes like there still friend nothing changed. But this really bothered me so i kept my Cool the whole time at the bar and then I brought it up on the way home and started a whole fight about it and he got mad at me for bringing it up he says there isn’t anything he can do about and wished he would have never told me and just turned everything around on me I guess I understand he can’t change it I appreciate his honesty and I don’t want him to not be honest with me. So by the end of the ride home I end up apologizing for bringing it up and I try to hold his hand and he throws my hand away and is still mad at me was I in the wrong for bringing it up? Is this really all my fault ? Idk what to do I’m just not over the fact he cheated and I wounder how many other times he cheated I just I’m so done being a door matt but now we have a child and I just idk how to handle the situation especially when he dose not let me talk about it. I can’t talk to anyone about it because all it dose is make me look stupid and him look like a dumbass. I just needed to vent