15 months TTC #1, giving it all I've got this month!!! Who's with me?😉


My husband and I miscarried 3 years ago. We started really trying again 15 months ago. I have endometriosis and a tilted uterus, so I was aware it might be difficult. But we did it once, so why couldn't we conceive again? I know women try for years, but this last 4 months has really been wearing me down. Im not sure how long I can continuously be disappointed month-to-month. I'm 34, about to be 35 and am starting to get a little worried that this dream may not happen. SO - I started tracking my physiological factors a bit more precisely with my Ava bracelet, and and along with the ovulation tests I'm confident I'll pinpoint my ovulation date....Throwing in pre-seed for a bit of extra confidence and we're going to give it all we've got this time! Our 6th wedding anniversary is on April 6th, I can't think of a better gift for us both than a BFP! So, I'm sending out positive vibes and baby dust to all my cycle buddies. AF is not welcome on 4/2.