Hard time

I had a miscarriage in January. And it was different. I didn’t go in for an ultrasound and told my baby passed. I had just gotten my blood results that my baby was a girl. It was my 3rd pregnancy and it had had two boys so it was pretty exciting! Me and my husband had taken my mom out to lunch to tell her and she was ecstatic. I was exactly 14 weeks to the day. After lunch my mom wanted to take me shopping to buy girl clothes for the first time. As we were walking through the door of khols my water broke... at 14 weeks.. I didn’t understand.. i just looked at my mom and said call an abundance. They picked me and my husband up. My mom watched my 3 year old and 1 year old as I was rushed to the hospitals. Once I got there I was told I was fine.. that nothing was wrong but I would be taken to an ultrasound since I had a “liquid” leaking. Once I got to an ultrasound I saw the screen there was NOTHING there. Nothing at all. No sac. No baby. The screen was black. I knew then my baby had passed. Shortly after I was sitting there and I had passed my baby. I saw her. So tiny and beautiful. I didn’t know what to do. I lost it. I wasn’t me anymore. The life inside me has died. She was my baby girl and will always will be. Then they finally told me I had a spontaneous abortion. Apparently that’s what’s its called. The grief councilors talked to me but that didn’t help.. we loved her so much. This is my story. I have never told it before. I