freaking out kinda

okay so i’m almost 17 and my dumb ass had unprotected sex about a week ago. the past few days have been hell on my body for no reason. i’ve had the worst bloat (i never get bloated), back pain to the max, my boobs are super swollen and i’m so much more emotional then usual and i’m getting angry super easily, but i’ve already had my period this month. there’s this weird tight feeling on the bottom of my stomach and i’ve just never felt like this and don’t know what’s going on😬 i’m also someone that never ever naps, but the past four days i’ve taken one every day.

to anyone that’s been pregnant before- is this kinda what you felt like? but i also feel like if i am pregnant, there’s no way i could be feeling symptoms this early. i don’t understand implantation at all, but could that be it? advice would be much appreciated! if i was pregnant would i be feeling all this only a week after conception?