Angela 11-14-16

Hi ladies! I wanted to share something I've learned over the course of my <a href="">IVF</a> experience regarding prescriptions. My original doc offered me options for filling them through domestic & European pharmacies. The pharmacy in the UK was HALF the price of buying local. HALF! Anyone who has been through this knows that your meds can cost up to $10k. Imagine if that was cut to $5k. For some reason, most docs don't offer this option. (insert conspiracy theory here) However, you can request paper copies of your scripts and order from whomever you want! This process is so stressful and expensive we often just go in the direction we're pointed. Just remember, still your body & still your money. Here's an example for an order I placed today:

Domestic pharm 1 - $2,604

Domestic pharm 2 - $2,770

European pharm - $1,340

Pass this info along! Maybe this will make the pharmaceutical industry rethink how they price their drugs. Probably not, but for now, save money!

Here's the link to the pharmacy I used:

Love and luck to all!!❤️❤️