Cycle after miscarriage


Hi guys,

After 6 cycles of trying, my husband and I got pregnant this past November. At our 12 week NT ultrasound we saw our baby only measuring 9 weeks and no longer had a heartbeat 😢. I miscarried and passed everything naturally a few days later and my period returned 5 weeks after. At this time, my HCG levels finally dropped to “normal” as well.

I’m wondering if anyone else experienced something similar or how long it took you to get pregnant after a natural miscarriage. This cycle after my first period is seeming to be a little wonky. I’m normally around a 28 day cycle and ovulate around day 17. This cycle all my opk sticks have been negative so far (currently on day 15 and would normally get a “high” reading by now) and I’m having some spotting today (normally I wouldn’t have any spotting except for right before period).

Thanks for any hope/help/insight you can provide ❤️.