Vbac with SPD

Natalie • 22, Married & mother to my beautiful Ayva Raylynn.. Pregnant with baby #2 :) baby dust to all of you beautiful ladies!

Hi ladies have any of you had a successful Vbac with SPD?

I had my daughter via emergency csection. She’s now 3 years old and I’m 22 weeks pregnant with my second child.

My Doctor told me I’m a good candidate for vbac because I’m healthy.

(I’m a little overweight for my age, but that didn’t seem to be a concern)

I’m actually very scared for a Vbac because of my SPD.

I have this fear that my body just wasn’t meant to do this.

With my daughter I was in labor for 14 hours. My contractions were at a level of 10, but I wasn’t dilating at all. I was at maybe a 2-3. My blood pressure was high and the babies was low. So I had to go in for an emergency csection. I remember my doctor saying “this isn’t normal your contractions are at a 10 but your legs are closed? At this point your legs should be spread wide open”

I was so uncomfortable and scared.

Now that I’m having all this pelvic pain. I’m SCARED!! What if I try for a vbac and it happens all over again??

I really wanted a natural birth my first time, but it’s ok I know things don’t always work out. It was just devastating for me because I didn’t get to meet my daughter until 2 hours later. My mom and husband were the first to hold her. I felt so unattached.

So that’s why I’m leaning towards a vbac. I want to experience it all.

I also know that there’s really great risks either or.

I can’t decide. And idk what to do.