Battery Charges on Ex


Hey girls I need lots of advice so I broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks ago due to me cheating and him being abusive I wish I listened to my parents the first time when without me ever telling them they told me leave him & well after that I’ve had the worst 9 months of my life , abuse and apologizes blamed me for everything , said that I ruined his life because hes 19 and I’m 16 my dad got furious the day he saw us walking together

Well to get to the point as I’m walking home from school on Friday I’m telling my friend about how I feel that he is stalking me and well boom there he was right there waiting for me ready to beat me he force himself inside the building and kept making lies in order to talk to me .. well after a while he gets me into the staircase and starts beating on me because I was giving him an attitude (I have a PTO brace) and he continually kicked that leg and threw me on the stairs punching kicking pulling my hair choking me I hate hearing people say why didn’t you speak up earlier or why didn’t you scream louder but as I did he will caress my skin as if he did nothing & at one point some fire fighters who are working on our building , asked if everything was okay and he’s where I wonder if I didn’t give enough signs ( I kept saying no I’m not okay) and as I kept mouthing the words (I need help) I guess I didn’t do enough because help never came , my parents I feel like crap because they do so much for me and here’s how I repay them with stress and worries and anger , they throw in my face that if I’m strong to rebel against them why didn’t I rebel against him any one who has read up to this point please comment I’ll love to talk to someone (this is not my parents fault at all they are the best parents out there that any daughter can ask for)