I did something really bad and I need a mans perspective


So I’ve been talking to a few guys off tinder, which I don’t think is bad cause nothing was serious or set in stone, we were just talking.

Guy 1, I’ll call blondie. We’ve been talking for like a month now I think. We were both virgins when we first met.

Guy 2, I’ll call ginger. We had only talked one or two times before he asked me to hang out.

Guy 3, I’ll call asshole. We’ve talked for a few months. I met up with him once and he was the first person I ever did anything with, but we didn’t do everything.

So blondie and I told each other we were virgins and had talked about sex and wanting each other but never made any plans to do anything.

Asshole and I had been trying to “hangout” for a few weeks. The first time we hung out I was still a virgin and told him no to going all the way. But I changed my mind and told him I wanted to have sex. At this point he told me he changed his mind and didn’t want to be the one to take my virginity. This was last Friday.

Ginger and I had only talked a few times, and never about sex. But last Saturday he randomly asked if I could hang out that night...at his house...at 9:00pm...and I said yes. So I was kind of assumed it was for a hookup. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex, which I was fine with. After we already did it is when I told him I was a virgin, which he said he was fine with. I know some of you are gonna think this is the bad thing, but it’s not😬 I don’t regret hooking up with him and this story gets a lot worse.

So then on Sunday asshole messaged me again asking to hangout. He was sending dick pics and said he changed his mind again and wanted to fuck. So I told him something along the lines of, “well either way your in luck cause I’m not a virgin anymore.” Then he said he didn’t want to fuck at all anymore which confused me cause first he wanted to when I was a virgin, but I didn’t. Then he didn’t want to cause I was virgin. But now he didn’t want to because I wasn’t a virgin?? So I was getting kinda mad and wasn’t really understanding. He told me to tell him when I wasn’t a virgin anymore and then maybe we could do something, but then he just changed his mind again. Anyways an hour later or so he sent me another dick pic which I responded to with “??” Yaddy yaddy yadda he explained he just wanted me to beg🙃 i didn’t respond to him for the rest of the day. But on Monday I forgave him, don’t ask me why, I was horny and stupid and he told me he would dominate me, which I told him was one of my fantasies. We planned to meet up on Tuesday after my study group. I told him my group was running an hour later than planned and he said that was fine, we could still hang out after. So at that point I was already really horny and had been waiting all day to get dominated by this dude. Then when I was finally done studying he told me he couldn’t anymore because he’s not home. To say the least I was pissed, which I told him.

This is where the bad part comes in. I was really in the mood to have some sex and just got told that it wasn’t gonna happen that night. So me, being my stupid self, texted blondie to see if he was free cause I knew he lived close by. I asked if he wanted to hookup and he said yes. I still hadn’t told blondie that I lost my virginity 2 days before. We met up and I took his virginity. And now I feel terrible because not only do I regret sleeping with blondie but I also have to live with the fact that I

1) took his virginity... and regret it

2) slept with him only because I was mad at asshole

3) lied to him about being a virgin (kind of just omitted that I had lost it 2 days before)

I know I’m a bitch and I feel like shit for it. Now blondie keeps asking why I’ve been different since that night and I just keep telling him that everything’s fine. I just don’t want this to be his first time story. If someone told me they regretted sleeping with me and they only slept with me because they were mad at someone else for bailing on their sex plans... I don’t even know how I would feel especially knowing it was my first time. I don’t want to hurt his feelings but he knows something is off.

Should I tell him or no?

Also I know this is long and very messed up but I would really appreciate some advise for blondie’s sake, not mine. I know what I did was wrong and unforgivable. I’m not looking or asking for any kind of comfort for my sake, just for blondie’s.