This could finally be it! I posted this the other day and am now adding a update

My sons father hasn’t seen him in 10 months, hasn’t financially helped since December 2016, and this is the first time we have talked since last October (which then it was only one text and no reply so we really haven’t had a full conversation since last August)

I was actually dreading texting him about anything but I really needed to know if he was allergic to any medication (because it’s been so long I couldn’t remember) so I could tell my sons doctor, I wasn’t expecting him to reply let alone ask if he could see our son.

Backstory: We were 15 and 16 when I got pregnant with our son, our relationship basically fell apart after I found out I was expecting and it only got worse once our son was actually here. Lots of hurtful things were said and done, we broke up on bad terms and he really didn’t want anything to do with me or our son anymore (which I know isn’t right and I was bitter over it for a very long time but got over it)

We actually tried to work out our issues several times but the last time he randomly ended things and then got in a relationship with a new girl and proceeded to get her pregnant a few weeks into their relationship and that’s when I quit hearing from him altogether and he completely quit seeing our son, I was heartbroken. I just couldn’t handle it I stayed bitter over that for awhile and eventually got over it, almost a year later and I’m doing much better, me and my son have settled into our new “norm” which is it just being me and him. I’m 18 now, I’ve matured a lot and I’m hoping his father has as well.

I’m terrified of what might happen. But I want to put our horrible past behind and start fresh, I can only hope that he does really want to be involved in our child’s life, all I’ve ever wanted is for him to be involved. I grew up with my dad being very in and out so I know what that’s like. I have 100% full custody of my son so I don’t have to do this but I want to because them having a relationship is very important to me. I will be setting up “guidelines” and I hope he doesn’t expect to just come and pick up our son whenever and take him off somewhere because we have to slowly build up to that. I’m also giving him a “Three strikes and your out” which means if he messes up three times then he’s out. I let him walk all over me in the past and do very hurtful things to me and this time I’m putting my foot down. My son is older now (2 1/2) he’s starting to understand more and I refuse to let him break my sons heart by playing games.

I just ask that maybe some of you keep us in your thoughts, I don’t even know if he’ll actually go through with coming to see his son but I so hope he does. I actually cried when we were texting because I have wanted him to be involved with our son for so long and it might possibly be happening, I know not to hold my breath because he could just end up not showing, he’s done it before. But it’s been a very long time and I’m hoping that he’s ready to do right by our child and just let go of our bad past. I want nothing more than to be able to co parent with each other.

Update: He’s coming this Monday to see our son and I’m honestly a nervous wreck!

Update again: It is supposed to storm very bad (tornados, hail all different kinds of bad stuff) so he may not get to come but he said he would try so I’m still hopeful.

His girlfriend (and she’s his 2nd baby mom) sent me a friend request earlier and I’m not sure how to feel about it, I thought it was kind of weird because she used to strongly dislike me because of him. But idk, maybe she just did it to creep on my page and if so I really don’t care because I have nothing to hide but it did throw me off.