hugs needed


tl;dr RANT: it's been an especially challenging few days. My son is hitting his 9 week growth spurt and his 2nd leap at the same time. I don't even bother logging feeds because he's never done!. I basically get a 5 minute reprieve every 90 minutes. my happy, smiling, cooing, sleepy boy is gone, kidnapped and replaced with this sad, hungry thing that i don't recognize. it hurts my heart. and my milk supply just isn't keeping up with his high demand. My mother is being the epitome of unhelpful. I cried for about 10 minutes straight to just get all of the hurt and angry out. better through tears than milk... My husband is being super amazing at least. seriously, I don't know how I'd get through without him. I know it's all only temporary, that everything will iron out, but I just feel so defeated riggt now.