Zoe ‱ Vegas Mama

I am 19 years old and my fiancĂ© (21 years old, turning 22 in April) and I have one beautiful three-month old baby girl 💕 Neither of us wanted kids, she was obviously a surprise but nonetheless we love her to pieces and are so very happy to have her. Well no one really warned us about being ‘Fertile Myrtle’ after have a baby so I really think I’m pregnant again 😰 I’m having bright pink (sometimes brownish) discharge even though I haven’t gotten my period (breastfeeding) I’m also having some small cramping and I think this is all early signs. We were DUMMIES and thought “we ran out of condoms so let’s have sex but PULL OUT” what a great idea right? 🙄 well anyway I’m feels my really conflicted. If I’m pregnant could I even handle having babies back to back like that? Would it be wayyyy to stressful? Will my first baby feel like neglected because soon enough we’ll have another baby to care for? My fiancĂ© I already know would want to terminate and honestly that is an option but what kind of mental consequences will I deal with? We had first considered terminating my first pregnancy but we ended up obviously keeping her and we wouldn’t have any other way so it kind of weighs on my mind, like what could be if I just kept this pregnancy too ya know? I don’t know any helpful advice about having a second baby? Especially advice on having the second one 12 months after the first đŸ˜©đŸ˜© please please comment below I need more opinions than my own mind ANYTHING helps