
So my 3 month boy started coughing around Friday or Thursday which he never did so i thought maybe it could be a cold or cough but he would always kinda choke on his cough a little and got me worried but not too worried to go to the pediatrician because it wasn’t constantly. Just now he was sleeping and started coughing and gagging so i picked him up and he started to throw up so i slanted him downwards a little and patted his back and threw up from his nose and mouth then i saw on the floor a little plastic wrap from something, very small. And i knew he threw it up because it was covered with milk. Was planning to go to the pediatrician tomorrow to have him checked out before this all happened do you guys think thats why he has been coughing? Hes also been spitting up a little when he coughed and chocked a little. Might take him to the pediatrician tomorrow to make sure everything is okay.