Rant 😡😡

I am just so annoyed. My baby will be 6 weeks on wednesday , and she's doing what babies do and eating every 3-4 hours . I've had to increase the amount of formula at feedings because she has a healthy appetite , but she's doing nothing out of the ordinary nonetheless. then I always have to hear her father say, oh well my mom said put cereal in her food, oh my co worker said put cereal in her bottle . STFU. She is TOO young too swallow and digest that stuff just because you have a problem with a baby waking up every few hours because she's hungry, LIKE SHES SUPPOSED TO! Yeah the new born stage is tough and we're tired but I am not risking a choking hazard or digestion issues for you to fucking sleep better. On top of the fact that that could cause weight gain far too quick this young . I'm just annoyed, like im her mom . we've discussed this topic yet i STILL always have to hear this unwanted advice . He'll agree and 'understand' me one minute then he's back hopping on everyone else's bandwagon . and I especially don't get it because IM THE ONE UP WITH HER ALL DAY AND NIGHT. I don't get breaks so.. 😡😡😡 Anyone else deal with this ?