April baby is here ...


Hey mamas well I was set to be induced on March 15th due to cholestasis of pregnancy with my baby girl.. at 37 weeks I went in to begin the induction method which was supposed to be the foley bulb then pitocin the next morning but baby girl had other plans. I got there at 730 and was checked at 930 and I was already 3 centimeters and contracting every four to six minutes.. I was not feeling any pain after my doctor checked me my water broke as well. At 1030 I began to feel uncomfortable and I just rolled with the pain.. at 1230 I was checked again and I was 8 centimeters dilated.. after that things for intense and I called my doula by 157 I was ten centimeters and ready to start pushing.. by 238 am baby girl was here 6 pounds 6 ounces 19.5 inches long born at 37 weeks 1 day.. my doula was like why did you not call me sooner she was only there with me for 30 minutes lol and we paid her 700 dollars. She was like she’s never seen someone breeze through labor so quickly like me lol..