Does my 7 month old need tummy time still?

Hi everyone! Sorry if this is a silly question but I’m just curious if my son still needs tummytime at this age. Every time I lay him on his tummy, he immediately rolls over, crawls, or sits up. For the first 6 months, I always made sure he had plenty of tummy time throughout the day.

He doesn’t cry when I put him on his tummy, but ever since he figured out how to sit and crawl, he prefers that over his tummy. I just want to make sure I’m not missing out on his tummytime. He’s starting to learn how to pull himself up also. I know it’s going to get harder for them to stay still as they develop but just wanted to know if tummytime is something I need to make sure I do everyday still.

Just wanted to know your advice before I call my pediatrician and ask. Thanks :)