Mother in Law's😒 am I right??

Amanda Mom of 2 and #3 on the way

Here's the deal, my MIL is sweet, she stays out of our marriage and is very good to our kids. Goes to soccer games, gymnastics meets, school events, she spends time with them, sends them cards on every holiday and she gives very thoughtful gifts. She's great really. She's from that era where you don't show emotion or passion about anything. It's not "lady like" ya know. She's a table manners Nazi. I am a little loser with table manners and focus more on being kind, considerate ect. She also grew up in a wealthy family. That old southern money. She inherited a 1000 acre ranch, college was paid for, graduate school as well- I mean she was set. She is one of those that prepares financially to the point of needed excess savings.

I'm cheap, grew up poor so I'm frugal as all get out. So is my husband. We're never too cheap to help someone out but we live modestly yet have a nice home 4bed, 4bath in a cul de sac, nice suburban neighborhood. My hubby does well. We decided I would go back to school when I didn't get into dental school because why did I take a ton of chemistry classes including organic chem, physics, a butt load of Microbiology classes and ton of math just to work in a lab. It just wasn't for me. This time around I am applying to other graduate programs while taking some requirements for said programs. As I was taking classes we found out I was pregnant. His mom was happy for us but worried about our money situation. No biggie. She loves our baby boy and hasn't been vocal about it until...surprise our baby is a little over a year and I am pregnant again. I wanted a big family! We're both happy about it! He has 2 kids from his ex wife and I have one from a previous relationship and so we added 2. I will be applying to my top program in 1 month.

She has been very hurtful in her comments about this not being a good idea. She didn't congratulate us when we told her. She had no words that day. She has since made it clear we should not have done this. Saying that we should have thought it through better.

My hubby is a promotion away from making six figures. I will be working eventually again. Yes child support is 25% of his income, we are Christians so we tithe 10% and give away to those in need very often. Yes that's the kicker! She's a Christian woman. She knows the lord provides. she knows we are generous faithful and God is good all the time. She also knows or should know that money and luxuries aren't everything. I don't want my kids to cherish money. I want them to cherish the Lord and people. Maybe I'm hormonal and sensitive but it hurts that she acts this way. I don't know you tell me.