The text I sent him. And I didn’t even get a reply back 😥

“So all last week I was thinking in my head that we were done and that friends was all you wanted. After a few days of not seeing you and barley talking to you, I was starting to learn how to be okay with it. Even after seeing you on Thursday. But than you asked me to come over last night, and I instantly agreed because I fucking missed the shit out of you that whole week, and my feelings were 100% still there. I didn't plan on staying the night, but you kept kissing me and i started thinking yours was to. I come running to you every time you ask, every time it's convenient for you and I honestly hate myself for it. I know how I deserve to be treated and I'm latched to you even though you treat me like an option. No matter how many times I tell myself that I will never be a choice, your choice, I still come running to you, hoping it will be different. And it never is. And then I'm fighting with myself and my heart to let you go, and as soon as I work up the courage you fucking text me something that makes me smile and I'm right back to where I started. People make time for who they want to make time for, and people commit to who they want to commit to and you will never commit to me because I know if you do, you think you're settling. And that's okay. But I can't keep letting you do this to me. I will never regret you or the choices I made with you because they have taught me so much about life and myself. And I'm forever thankful for it. And letting you go is going to be a damn struggle. But You keep shutting me out and I keep trying to be patient with you. But it fucks with my happiness so much because the inconsistency that you bring is so mind fucking. So I'm done. And what sucks is I swear to God I could have loved you and I would have been perfectly okay with it. And that's why I'm ending this now. Friends and all. Because I can't keep hanging out with you and my feelings keep progressing because I will eventually fall in love with you, and I will end up hurt. Because you are an easy damn person to love Chris, I hope you realize that. And We might have had something really great, but we'll never know because you will always feel like there is something more for you. I just hope one day someone really does come into your life that you are willing to give your heart to. So I'll see you around someday. 🖤”

It’s time to move on. As much as I don’t want to, and as much as it hurts right now.. I can’t keep letting him treat me as if I will never be good enough to commit to. Here’s to a new chapter in my life.