Video games and violence

Ok, so I have two boys who both love their nerf guns. My husband got a PlayStation for Christmas and plays call of duty.... even though Im not a fan of him playing video games is he works all day every day plus weekends and he does this on his downtime and still helps me do things that need to be done so I can’t complain. So now my son who is seven will play it occasionally. I particularly do not think that a seven-year-old should partake in video games with that type of violence. I express this to my husband and he agrees to a point and we try now to only allow him to play like 15m of the game once or twice a day But he will still watch my husband play it and I can see that when he plays Nerf with his brother and they are starting to get a little bit more rougher. I’ve always believed that games like that make children think that violence is the answer when something doesn’t go their way. I’m just curious what your guys his take is on this. I know this could be a tough topic but I just see so many things go wrong with kids playing video games similar to the one he’s playing. And no we don’t own any real guns in are home.