
So just some information to get a idea.

I'm 5 months pregnant.

My boyfriend and I have been thinking of moving across the state. Now that I'm pregnant, we've been thinking a lot about it. Where we live isn't the greatest. It's just a dead end here. There is no opportunitys and nothing for our son here. We want to do what is best for him and us. My problem is, my family won't take it well. At all. They won't be supportive. They will say things to degrade me about it. I've always wanted to move from here, but they do hold me back. I mentioned it to my sister and she says I'm taking my baby away from them and using my nephew as a guilt thing to get to me. Saying I'll never see him etc. which I will... it really upset me on how she responded. I'm not sure how to tell my parents. They will go off on me & probably criticize me. They'll probably say stuff like 'your keep our grandchild from us.' 'Your boyfriend I taking you from us'. That's just putting it very lightly..... how do you bring that up to your parents if they are like that???

I'm almost 24.

His family will be fully supportive.