Would you consider this discrimination?


So this weekend in Boston (Massachusetts, US) we had the St. Patrick's day parade. The city takes St Patrick's day really seriously because there's a lot of history with Irish people in Boston.

I'm black and anyone could figure that out by just looking at me and so is my cousin.

My family is from an island called Montserrat. People on our island come from Irish and African descent. So we were raised celebrating St Patrick's day and we're taught to be proud of our culture. While at the parade here in Boston, I came across a bunch of people asking "Oh are you Irish?", "You know, this is an Irish holiday, right?" and someone even told us that it would be in our best interest to leave. We didn't btw. How would you react to this? We're still shocked. A friend of mine is really upset and says it's discrimination. Another Friend of ours says she understands and they were just trying to protect their culture in a way.

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