Is he cheating?


So last weekend, I was out of town for a wedding. The last night I was there, my boyfriend and I talked about plans for him to pick me up from the airport. I got in early the next day, and he generally stays up very late and sleeps the majority of the day on his off days, so I discussed with him that he should try going to sleep so he wouldn’t sleep past the time I needed to get picked up at the airport. Before I was about to fly, I texted to see if he was awake but I didn’t get a response. After the first flight and during my connecting flight, I texted again to see if he was awake, and he was by then. The thing is, later on that night when we were together again, I found out he lied about staying up all night and he actually didn’t sleep. He says he didn’t want me to know, so it wouldn’t make me anxious(I have a severe fear of being cheated on due to past relationships) and so I could sleep peacefully. I let that slip.

So, a few days later, he had me pick out a shirt for him to wear. I picked out the one he wore that night he lied about staying up all night(he sent me selfies, and it’s the same shirt he wore in them) and noticed a few small white stains near the bottom. So I asked if he slept with anyone and that he better step up and tell the truth. He said he didn’t cheat on me, and didn’t have anyone over that night. He said it was probably because that shirt touched one of his towels he used to clean up from masturbating and swore he didn’t have sex with someone. So I let that go too.

Last night, we had a discussion about this again before going to sleep and we were cuddling. I noticed his heart was beating a little fast, but not like if he just got frightened or went for a jog or something. I asked why his heart is beating fast, and he said, “because I’m stressed that you’re not feeling okay” or something along those lines. So I just let it go again.

P.S. he has cheated once in the past, but that was back in high school and he said he never has since then since he’s more mature now and didn’t really know what he wanted back then.

Idk...what do y’all think?