What my friend did knowing of my infertility😭😭💖

Carolina • Baby girl due August 2019💗🌈👶🏼 Mama to Millie Valentina 7/13😭🤍

So I’ve struggled quite a bit becoming a mom. I’ve always dreamt of being a mom, it is my ultimate goal in life and I am starting to feel quite broken, for a lack of better words. It started with a loss at 11w2d. It absolutely broke me into a million pieces. Since then I’ve had 3 chemical pregnancies, all lost around 3-4 weeks. I blame my body daily. I don’t feel like a woman. Currently in the TWW after changing it up this month with vitex, BBT charting, preseed, sperm meets egg plan, and pineapple on pineapple daily since ovulation.💊🍍🍍🍍📈

(Will update once I test if it worked - AF not due April 1).💖💖💖

Anyways, what I’m trying to get to is that my pen pal friend (all the way in England) sent me this little gift with the note “It’s nothing much but I saw it and immediately thought of you. I wanted you to know this and that I feel for you.” It could be my emotions, or the fact that nobody in my life close to me has ever acknowledged any of this before, but I completely lost it. It’s my most valued gift ever.

I wanted to let all you mommies or mommies-to-be that are TTC know that we got this. 2018 IS OUR YEAR. Not enough people talk about infertility and/or miscarriage out in real life, which is why I’m eternally grateful for glow and you lovely people on here. I’ve met some absolutely amazing women on here and when they have gotten their BFPs I rejoice with them.❤️

Let’s all stay hopeful, positive, encouraging, and kind. We WILL see those two lines and eventually have our baby in our arms. 🙌🏼😭😍💖

UPDATE 3/25:

6/7 DPO today. Woke up twice during last night because I had rolled over on my tummy and my boobs were hurting SOOO bad. And today they are just so incredibly sore. Then I went to make waffles for breakfast and I cracked my first ever double-yolk egg!!!! I know it might sound stupid and have no correlation but my mom just screamed “What does this mean???” while I was freaking out on the inside! (It landed on the whisk because I wasn’t expecting it so it kinda fell apart but OMG)

AF due April 1st ... 🙌🏼✨👶🏼💖