I Just Want My Baby's Back ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™


I just want to get pregnant again I mc and another one was in my tube When I found out abt the mc my hubby was holding me telling me we will be okay and we could try again I did not believe him I think thts what made me cry every more because those baby's was not planned but we was not trying to hard to stop it ,,,, now he saying in 4 months which hurts even more because I know I was not tht far pregant but I care so much because they was mine I nvr and a mc or abortion now I feel lol I fail them and I'm just feel sad and find myself wanting to drink pain away when I know I should not care so much because I never even found out what they was I think they was boys ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ and I don't wnt to have to tell my family I lost they baby's idk why I just feel so hurt and wish he would just do it