Do I leave him? Long story.

My fiancé and I have been together for close to a year. We’ve been through a lot together. We met in Ohio dated for a few months because he’s a pipeliner and is in one place for a few months then has to leave. Well his job offered him to go back home to Tennessee he asked me if I would go with and I was scared. Leaving my family my friends my job everything for this one man. But crazy me did it anyway. So once we got out to Tennessee it went from countless calls and texts to a couple texts here and there and every so often I’d get a call on his lunch break or when he was on his way home. But I understood (tried to) because being back home he has work plus the cow farm he owns. But one day his mom texted him asking when we were coming (to a church gathering) and I noticed he changed his password. But I played it off like I didn’t know it changed. Once we got out to Tennessee he changed his password won’t tell me it even to pull up music. He won’t leave his phone in the same room as me. So he told me his job is sending him back to Ohio but he’ll have to go to Colorado by himself for 2 weeks for training. But I was ok with that I mean at least I get to be with my family. Now I get 1 phone call 5-6 text messages throughout the WHOLE day no sexual conversations nothing. Anytime I talk to him About him being distant he blames his work and anytime I tell him I’d appreciate more calls and texts throughout the day he tells me I shouldn’t have been with a pipeliner and that’s the life of the pipeline. Do you guys think I should leave now that I’m back in Ohio or wait it out..? Help. Anyone.