I need to go into labour in the next week 😭

Anna • Mother of two beautiful little men

Or I won't have any help... my only help is my husband and he works away from home and is home for 13 days. His family and my family will NOT help. So I'm kinda f**ked. We have a 22 month old. I don't know how I will do it breastfeeding/pumping, feeding toddler and myself, keeping toddler entertained, cleaning house and keeping myself somewhat clean too 😭

I had labour acupuncture yesterday but almost fainted so we had stop and only do one leg at a time... so that sucked. I have a stretch and sweep on Thursday and Friday acupuncture again. I have cleaned my house... it's spotless. I have tried clary sage oil, I have been taking raspberry leaf since 29 but that's for

Irritable uterus and epo since 32 weeks with midwife approval.

I have no idea what else to do :/

I had my first at 37.5 and I'm 37.4 today. 😳