Positive opks, heavy ovulation bleeding?

Renèe💍married💛ttc #1 • 39, married, TTC #1, T1 diabetic

So I had my normal period, then on CD 10 i starting testing with opk's. It was positive. I had mild cramping so I assumed I was or would be ovulating soon. we bd that night. the next day I had spotting, which I assumed was ovulation spotting (I never get that but hear it's possible) I tested positive opk again and again yesterday. So 3 days total so far for positive opk (I will test later today also) but last night my spotting turned a lot more into red blood ,and this morning I actually had to use a tampon, along with cramping. Can anyone offer any insight as to why I could be cramping, bleeding and getting continued positive opks? I will update as things come but looking for any insight right now.