Maybe post partum bleeding question..?


I had my son January 10th via c-section. I only "bled" (it was more like spotting) till the 13th I was discharged around 7pm on the 13th by that point it had stopped. Well February 25th and 26th i had heavy spotting and took a wild guess it was my period since i hadnt bled since the 13th of January. the 27th of February at my PP check up-7weeks pp- I told my dr I thought I had started my period he said that was normal(which i already knew i just told him cause he asked about the PP bleeding) I started Birth control pills the next day. since then I have had spotting off and on-mostly on. And at this point I have had spotting everyday since march 12th. Is this normal? Maybe this is actually me period? I'll probably be calling my dr office...