Finally got some sex!!!!


We have had a very good sex life throughout this pregnancy up until my 34 week appointment where the doctor said I was dilated 1cm& that freaked my husband out and he didn’t want to have sex with me bc he said it was too close to labor... well fast forward 4 WEEKS without it (longest we have ever been without it for sure!) and going to be 38 weeks tomorrow- he finally made the move this morning on me! I have been telling him how it can help with labor and he’s ready for labor so I’m guessing that worked for me! Dunno if this was a one time thing but heck I’ll take it bc it seemed like it has been forever! Maybe it’ll also help move things along! Anyone else’s SO not wanting sex as much? I just know those 6 weeks are going to be long so I don’t wanna add more time to it!