Help! I lost all my baby weight and feel so ugly

Glorinel • Mommy to a beautiful baby boy Amancio Carlos 2/16/18 👶🏽❤️ FTM 👪 42 hours in labor 🙃🙂

So for as long as I can remember I’ve always been unhappy with how my body looks. I’ve only been happy with my body while I was pregnant because I reached a weight of 156. Before I was pregnant I weighed 112 lbs soaking wet. I hate hate hate being skinny and my ideal weight would be 140. All my life people have always said rude things like “oh you’re so skinny you need to gain weight” and quite a few times I’ve been asked if I’m either anorexic or if I’m on drugs to which both is a no. I’m trying not to be down and unhappy but i don’t know how to be happy when I’m so unhappy with the way that i look. I avoid wearing shorts or anything tight so I’m always in sweat pants and i don’t wear shirts anymore that would show my chest or any kind of cleavage because I feel I look too skinny. I avoid the beach or anywhere that I would have to wear a bikini to in the summer time and I always turn away from the mirror while I’m getting dressed! While I was pregnant my boobs grew to the size I’ve always wanted them to be. Before I was a 34b and while pregnant I grew to a 38c and I was so happy with

everything. Now I have lost all my baby weight and I feel I look worse than I did before I got pregnant. Every time I vent to someone about how unhappy I am with my body they tell me to quit complaining because they’d love to be skinny like me. So therefor I don’t like to talk about it to anyone. Does anyone have any tips on how to gain weight?? I’m so unhappy I don’t want to send myself into depression but I feel like this is where it’s leading! HELP HELP HELP!!!