Trying to get pregnant after a tragic loss


Hi, I’m new to this page. Here is a little about me. When I was 17 I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared and excited at the same time. Wondering how I was going to tell my parents. 8 1/2 months later I had the most beautiful baby girl. We named her Lilianna. She was and still is my pride and joy, but last year on November 15th, we were in a fatal car accident. We were coming home from the dentist and hydroplaned slamming in to 3 trees. She was killed on impact. That was the day I physically lost my 20 month old little girl.

That was the day my heart was ripped out of my chest and will never be the same. Here we are now with her step dad trying to conceive a baby. Lili would have wanted a baby brother or sister if she were still here. I want to continue trying but I believe the stress and anxiety from losing her is taking a toll. I believe it could be causing an issue for us trying to have a precious baby.