Did you regain ovulation or stop having miscarriages when you started 1000mcg of B-12 daily?

Kendra • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I just read a few interesting studies that showed a group of women (two of them were around 800 women another one was around 100 and another was around 25) who either had anovulation multiple miscarriages or both (in my case I'm both). Only 7% of those women had their daily needed amount of b-12 (1000 mcg) and the rest had not even known that they were deficient. Once started on the daily dose of b-12 63% either carried a pregnancy to term, regained their normal cycles, gained more regular cycles or all three within 2-13 months. Another study (the 100 women one) used the b-12 shot instead of the supplement. They saw a 40-something% rise in pregnancies to term, regular ovulation and/or more regulated cycles. I found this very interesting and recall my blood tests from awhile back. The obgyn said that I was deficient in b-12! Everything else was completely normal accept for the unexplained weight gain! We chalked it down to unexplained infertility. Do you think if I started taking b-12 I'd have a better chance of carrying a pregnancy to term and getting my ovulation back!? It is important to note that these studies were performed in the 1980s. Also, many other factors could have effected the positive results i.e. a better diet, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>, dumb luck, weight loss etc. I just found this interesting and was wondering if I could do a mini study of my own through you guys. So has anyone had any success with it? I'm taking b-12 and seeing if that helps. I'm also losing weight so idk which will cause it (if it even happens) but fingers crossed that it does! Share your own experience below! Baby dust! ❤

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