I need all the advice I can get!!!!

Nathalie • Had my Baby Boy February 28, 2018💙 [FTM] & Nursing Student💉 Been with the love of my life since 2/25/2012💑

So, my nipples are inverted & my milk supply came late. I felt guilty having my baby cry after delivery because of hunger. I gave in & gave him formula BUT I made sure to offer each boob even though I struggled getting a good latch. Now my issue is that my baby has gotten used to the bottle. I give him whatever breastmilk I pump in a bottle because he is screaming uncontrollably whenever I use the nipple shield with him. I try my best to hand express when i pop the boob in but he will literally smack it off so I thought swaddling him will give me a bit of advantage but NO😓 he will suck for a bit & than go back to crying. It breaks my heart to hear him cry but Im trying to be strong so he can get the best milk supply. When I pump milk comes out easy & each boob so far will give me 2-3 oz at 3week PP but Im afraid when he feeds on my boob my come down is slow that he gets frustrated since hes used to a bottle. What should I do? I worry crying so much isnt good for him.😭Do I just continue to work on it with him despite his crying? I also use milkmaid tea. Any good advice is appreciated. Thank you