boys are trash (i need advice)

Mariah • came for period tracking, stayed for the community 💖

Hey guys so this is going to be a long one but I’m going to spice it up with some gifs and hopefully you guys will stay and read and hopefully even give me some advice.

So let’s gets this started

So to give you guys a background, I am 16 almost 17, I’m a Junior in High School and one day this past November I was invited to my friends birthday party. I got all cute and went and during the party my friend was posting snapchat videos of everybody at the party to her story. The next day, I get a text from my friend saying that this dude had seen me on her story, thought I was cute, and that she gave him my snapchat.

So sure enough I get a friend request on snapchat and I accept. I had no idea who this guy was other than the fact that I had seen him around school before. Right away we start texting and immediately hit it off. I’m getting butterflies just reminiscing about how great of a connection me and him had on the first day we met. I’m going to post screenshots of our texts so you can see how amazing the connection was.

Now idk about y’all, but if I can comfortably send memes to you, and you SEND SOME BACK... that’s basically grounds for marriage. I can even sense his excitement for how well we were getting along through these texts.

... but then the next day everything took a turn. I was texting him throughout the day the same way I was the night before, but something felt off. I literally could sense his vibe through the texts that he just didn’t seem interested anymore. And when I asked him about it.. i ✨ got ✨ put ✨ in ✨ the ✨ friend zone✨. And I PRETENDED TO FEEL THE SAME.

Around December I was asking my friend Jackie about Eddie because I noticed that he used to post her on his snapchat story frequently. We started talking about him and that’s when she told me that not only did they work together but they had a romantic past. I didn’t really mind at the time because him and I were “just friends” who hadn’t really spoken within a month so I let it go. So 2 months go by and it’s now mid January and him and I talked here in there about very minor things like “happy holidays” and “i’m glad we’re friends.” ha. ha. Somehow out of nowhere it seemed that we developed a streak on snap and one night I sent all of my streaks a ‘good night’ post. To which Eddie (idk if i mentioned his name but it’s Eddie bc I’m not going to give a fake name lol)... to which Eddie replied something very confusing and I was questioning what he meant when all of the sudden he said something along the lines of “look here’s how this is going to go down: you, me, no clothes, imessage 8ball.” Now listen to y’all this may seem sus and sketchy but I knew he had a goofy personality so I went for it... however with my clothes on. We played 8ball for hours it seemed and had a steady flow of flirtatious jokes strewed in-between the games. At one point in the night we admitted to flirting with each other and then we agreed to take whatever we had going for us in baby steps.

The steps should’ve been a red bright ass sign that this was shady because the steps involved taking photos that I’m not comfortable with.

We continued talking for a few days after that though and it was going so beyond well like I’ve developed more feelings for him within a few days than anybody I’ve talked to in the past.

And this is where it all goes downhill.

I went on his Instagram one day and noticed that this one specific girl (who was not Jackie) was commenting under almost all of his photos. So naturally I clicked on her page and LITERALLY her most recently posted photo was of EDDIE, with the caption “here’s a collection of photos of eddie because he’s cute and my boyfriend.”

eddie had a girlfriend.

The night that I found out I felt the urge to text Jackie because deep down I felt like Eddie was not only playing me... but continuing to play Jackie as well. And lo and behold I was correct. So Eddie was talking to me and Jackie... and his girlfriend all at the same time.

So that night was a huge shitstorm. After me and Jackie found out the truth, we both confronted Eddie and he was spewing out apologies after apologies. I was absolutely hurt. Have you ever been hurt by a person you cared so much about that you weren’t even mad at them for hurting you? That’s what I felt. He just kept on apologizing and assured him that I was not mad, because at the time I really wasn’t. I was just so hurt deep down because I knew that this was the end for us. I wanted nothing but to have him for myself. I never ever wanted to stop talking to him because he made me so happy and I have never felt what I felt for him before.. but I knew that if I didn’t make it clear that I wasn’t going to continue to talk to him that he would definitely put me in that ‘side hoe’ position. God, I even questioned my decision even though I knew I made the right choice. I knew that if I continued talking to him I would just end up hurting myself even more. So we were over. And I cried a lot.

Then on Valentine’s Day I happened to be watching Jackie’s snapchat story and she posted something a long the lines of “I didn’t get to see my baby today but at least we work together.” ... You remember when I mentioned that Jackie and Eddie work together? So then I watched Eddie’s snapchat story and it’s of him and his girlfriend together. And then something in me snapped. I felt dirty and disgusting knowing that his poor girlfriend had no idea that not only did he cheat on her with me, but one of my friends as well. I did something I’m not too proud of.. but on Valentine’s Day, I told the boy who broke my heart’s girlfriend that he was cheating on her. (with proof)

and then nothing...

they’re still together

I haven’t seen Jackie post about him anymore

and I’m still heartbroken.

and that’s it. there’s no happy ending and i cannot stop thinking about him for the life of me.

HOW do I get this feeling to go away?

I know this may seem like stupid childish drama, but me being 16, still consider myself just that, a child.

But if you read through this whole thing THANK YOU and please comment 😭 i appreciate it.