ladies with pcos! need your opinion

As most ladies would know pcos is a right pain! I normally get periods once every 4-6 months if I'm lucky. Ive been ttc since forever with no joy. this is where I need your opinion.. I have my usual medium period 10-13 Feb shorter than expected but usual flow etc but since the 15th March I've been spotting only when I wipe, snd a few streaks on my panty liner, colour started as pinky and went dark brown, and it stopped yesterday, when I woke this morning I had a (sorry TMI) gush I thought that my full period came when I went to was just CM my underwear was soaked. I thought my body was giving me 2 cycle in a row - not so lucky! anyone else experienced anything like this? it's not usual for me and my cycles..

any views would be greatful xx