Currently 8 days late


So I am currently 8 days late with no sign of my cycle appearing. Dry cvm. I’m so scared to take a pregnancy test. I’ve been using pre-seed this cycle like EVERYDAY. LOL.Makes such a difference.

I don’t know why I’m so scared to test. My husband and I are nothing wanting our first baby, but I guess I just don’t want to be disappointed.

Symptoms: extreme tiredness. When I say it came out of no where. Literally NO WHERE. I am very much a morning person, and once I am up I am usually just up. Now I go to work tired and immediately come home and go to bed until the morning. I’ve never been like this.

I’ve had a little breast tinderness. One day of actual cramping last week. And I NEVER cramp during my cycle. Never. Two days of a clear discharge with little spots of blood. But that’s it. Anyone thing I should test?