

I'm 15. "Wow... so young!" I know I know. So my family isn't exactly... perfect. They have their opinions on dating and other things, I have mine. I was dating this 18 year old and we were still dating when he turned 19. We had a nonsexual relationship and were madly in love. Recently some extremely terrible things happened at home and ruined my relationship. Now I write him letters to let him know what is going on at home and how my mental health is, and I haven't gotten any letters back. My friends say that he misses me and never leaves the house anymore (pretty much has fallen into minor depression) and still keeps the teddy bear I gave him on his dashboard.

I had a mental breakdown and emailed him today. He emailed me back and I replied. I haven't gotten an email in several hours and am starting to wonder if I am becoming annoying or what. My friends tell me to get back with him because we did nothing wrong and everything was legal. What should I do? Get back with him, or just try to move on?