Is he a right person for the first time

Well, I have been thinking about this lately. Im almost 18 and I got one boy on my mind. We are talking a lot but im not sure if its only in a friendly way or more flirty. The thing is: I havent even kissed yet but I think that he is the right one to have sex with. Im not saying i would do that, first of all we should be dating at least 4-5 months to do that but Im not sure even if he likes me, also I knew he had a thing for one girl but then we started to talk and he is now stuck in the middle. Im confused and he is too, i have never felt this way, I think he is the right for me but I even don’t know his thoughts. And there is no way that I could ask him directly about that (its just me complicated girl🤷🏼‍♀️) so if you have some suggestions about anything please share it here❤️

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