32 weeks! First ultimate goal! ๐Ÿ’•


Finally hit 32 weeks! I have officially made my first ultimate goal. ๐Ÿ’– I developed hellp syndrome with my first and delivered at 25 weeks 4 days (1lb 4.5oz), as a surrogate. Luckily, she survived and is doing wonderful and will be 2 in July! I was a traditional surrogate meaning I used my own egg and it is actually the same donor, so both girls are actually full blooded sisters and you can definitely tell in the ultrasound already! (Tamsyn is the ultrasound, my daughter. Emma is the cute small toddler! ๐Ÿ’•)

Getting to 32 weeks this time has been so crazy. I try not to psych myself out with the symptoms I get, but so far it's been going well. The kicks to the ribs, extensive heartburn, and being unable to sleep at night unless I'm propped up with be worth it in the end. I have a scheduled csection for April 18th at 36 weeks. 4 weeks left and its going too fast, but I am so excited to hold my daughter in my arms!