Month of hell

Michelle • 👣👼🏻👣👼🏻💛 👣👼🏻💛👣👼🏻💛

Found out Feb 1, 2018 that I was finally pregnant after 18 months of trying. We were beyond ecstatic! Feb 15 found out my HCG wasn’t as high as it should be for as far along as we were guessing I was but I would more than likely miscarry. After a doctors appointment the next day I was told I may not be as far along as we thought because my HCG rose again and we would check my HCG again in two days. It rose again two days later but not to the level we hoped. I started bleeding later that day and we thought I miscarried after a week of bleeding and cramping.

On my follow up on March 8 from the miscarriage I told her I was still testing really positive on tests and she sent me to ultrasound. Found out that I had a painless ectopic pregnancy on my left ovary. I was given a shot of methotrexate. Later that night I had severe pain and went to the ER and was told the mass prob ruptured and was the cause of the pain. Had some blood in my pelvis and was off work for the week because of the pain. I was offered surgery to remove the blood to prevent pain and to see why it aaa ectopic but since it would dissolve on its own I opted for the non surgical route.

Yesterday March 20 I was finally feeling better no more pain with having a bowel movement and was finally back at work when pain set in again. Severe pain, I was all of a sudden hot, felt dizzy and nauseated. Called my Dr and she told me to come in for an ultrasound. It was so painful. I was suppose to have the ultrasound and wait 45 mins to see my Dr after but the tech said she was going to talk to my Dr right away. Apparently I was bleeding again and needed to have surgery to remove the pregnancy since the shot didn’t work. I had surgery and they ended up removing my left Fallopian tube. She told my mom that it was deformed and she thinks that it developed that way and that’s why I had the ectopic pregnancy. I also learned that we were pregnant with twins...

This pain could go away anytime. To lose more than one baby and for a month of complete hell. I wish I had my babies I wish things would have gone the way I’d dreamed. I’m also so afraid to try again because I don’t want to hurt again or risk losing my other tube. But I’m also afraid not to try again. My husband and I really want children and children of our own..

My twins in my tube still from surgery.

I have PCOS but she’s not sure it’s really the syndrome as the only indicators I have is the poly cystic ovaries. One day after surgery I got my period on my own! I’m so surprised as I was very irregular like my last cycle before I was pregnant was 196 days! Hoping when I can try again everything goes well!