New Hair, Who Dis?




I've always had "crazy" hair color, until I started working for a company that didn't allow it. A small company that likes to pretend they're top corporate fortune 500 level... (They're a regional company with about 50 stores across ny and Pa... Many which are failing because they don't listen to their "bottom management" in the trenches, and we're sitting back and laughing, hoping we don't get dragged under by others failures...)

For the past two years, I have looked in the mirror, dying inside just a little everytime, as I felt myself, my real self, my creativity, my personality, my happiness, and my control over my appearance -- which for the longest time was all I felt I had control over, being lost in the neutral conformity of the corporate world...

However, at the start of the year, they started becoming looser on their need to control people's appearance, although coloring your hair anything "outrageous" was still a no-no... Unless it was a color that could occur naturally...

I finally found the loophole I needed for change, after my boyfriend complained about how his hair was turning a silver/white more rapidly in this past year.

After much contemplation, and frustration with my boyfriend claiming he looked anything less than sexy over grey hair, today, I bit the bullet, and got my hair colored a silver/white...

Although at first I was mildly upset with the tone it took, because it has been so long since I've done anything like this and forgot the color you WANT comes after letting it set a couple days, then washing and caring for it until it is the tone you want... It was a .0000001% level of displeasure, compared to the complete level of joy and relief I have finally felt after all this time...

For the first time in two years, I'm looking in the mirror feeling happy... Feeling natural, and whole again, despite not being "natural."