I don't know what to do.....

Okay, so I am currently 37+5, and the reality of little man being here any day is getting extremely real. There is just alot of last minute family drama I want worked out before he gets here. My fiance comes from a large Hispanic family, I told him I do NOT want alot of people in the hospital. I told him both our parents and siblings were the only ones I wanted. well when his mother caught noise of this she told me I was overreacting and she wanted to tell people I don't even know Like her friends to come visit, I told her no and said as much as I wouldn't want to be that person I would tell the hospital if that was the case than no one would be allowed to visit. I also had a conversation on kissing baby when he is born and how we are not allowing that, once again she thought I was absolutely mad for this and ALWAYS comments on how it must be a "white" thing for us not to allow kissing.. I just feel like she is testing me... and I don't know how to approach her about it cause she is a very SENSITIVE women. My fiance won't say squat cause he is a people pleaser, which is making me come off the weird paranoid freak. she also told me she will be taking the first week off and staying with us?? Like no??? first week is for me and baby and daddy to get acquainted not you to be there trying to take him and hold him!!! Not even my own mother is being this over-bearing... Idk what to do... seriously. it's causing me to stress out thinking of all this crap😫