Nagging wife

Back story: my husband has the worse luck with cars. They break down or has wreck them accidentally. The past 3 years he had had 3 cars. The first one, the transmission went bad. 2nd he slid off the road. 3rd, it literally broke down. Insurance won’t cover break dorms. So basically every Time a car messed up, I had to take him to worse. You guys. It’s stressful. And I say this because he has to get up and we have to leave at 5 am everyday mon-Saturday. I drive him and then when I get back.. it’s 6am and now I have to get ready FOR MY JOB (8 hrs) and the 2 kids dressed for daycare. His car in the shop but they trying to see what’s wrong with him or if he will have to buy a new car. So I finally spoke up. I told him I’m tired and it’s very overwhelming for me and the kids. They are 1 and 4 yrs old. My kids be tired. Plus I’m pregnant due in May. He told me “we married. You my wife. Who else supposed to take me or how else are the bills going to be paid? Stop being a nagging wife.😑 I asked him to ask his co workers to take him and he said “I did. They will be going out they way. Plus they said why my wife can’t take me. Isn’t that that I’m supposed to do.” I would’ve been fine taking him if i was doing this for short term but I’ve been doing this on and off for 3 yrs. it’s flat out frustrating. He said it’s not his fault something be wrong with the cars. I just don’t know what to do. Each tine a car breaks down, it’s like 3-6 months I’m taking him to work. And im just worn out from doing this so frequently. That it’s starting to cause problems in our marriage. (We live in the country so there is no UBER or bus stop because we are outside of city limits. I am not a stay at home home mom. Because he has no car, I have to also drive when I get off and pick the kids up from the in laws that are 20 miles away from where we live. Neither one of us get off in time to pick up the kids from school. Our family don’t live close. It’s just very stressful because I have to get up early and I’m the one coming home last now. Im just tired of the “one vehicle transportation”. Am I nagging?? What do I do???