

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21. Up until September 2017 I hadn’t had a period on my own since I was 13 years old. All of them were induced by provera or BC. I went on Metformin last July to see if I could get pregnant with that alone. When that didn’t work, I got referred to an RE in January. He immediately put me on 5mg Letrozole. First round we had 3 good follicles & went through trigger/<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, but that round failed. Our second round, my husband & I decided to do TI with Letrozole & the trigger. & THIS TIME IT WORKED!!! There is hope out there for those with PCOS or any fertility issue really. I thought it would never happen for us & here we are, pregnant ❤️