
Malycia • 24, CNA, Married & TTC #1 with PCOS

This is our first time ttc with clomid and provera after i found out i had PCOS. i took the provera for 5 days twice a day and then started clomid cycle day 2. today is my last day taking clomid. i was going to wait to take the hpk test as directed three days after my last dosage of clomid. however, my

Clearblue Advanced app suggested i start today. i wasn't going to pay it any mind and just wait, but i couldn't.

something told me to go test (and not just the app). I've been having one-sided cramps today on top of my regular horrible ones. so i just tested and it was positive ( flashing smiley face). so high, not peak yet. but now I'll be testing twice a day. but i will be cautious of false positives from clomid. i just had to tell someone. this i is the first time we got anything positive! I'm just so excited! i know my husband is tired of hearing it! TIA! Good luck in advanced and baby dust to all!