Is this real life!!!


The last week or so I have not been feeling well. Full on cold and annoying dry cough. Then out of no where I get a cold sore. Which I’ve had many times before but usually shows up when I’m super stressed or run down, which wasn’t really the case this time. I react really badly to my cold sores, doctors say it’s like I have an allergy to it. My entire face swells up, my glands in my neck and face making it extremely painful and had to breathe. I usually go on a super strong antibiotic. My husband and I have been TTC, I am due for my period on Saturday. And had all intention to wait patiently until then. But before going to the doc for my cold sore I thought it would be best to find out if I am pregnant cause then I won’t be able to take those meds. I took a test at work!! And this is what I got....OMG!