Trying to get pregnant.....


Hi everyone, my name is Inne(34)

I have a 9 year old son and we are trying to conceive... I’m very irregular 😔

My period started on 22th of February until the 28th. I took fertility test to find out when my ovulation day is. On the 7th and 14th of March I’ve been to my ob-gyn for follicles measurements. My test showed a peek on the 13th but on the 14th my egg was still in the wrong place. We had sex until the 18th. With my first pregnancy I had no symptoms, since Friday/Saturday I’ve experienced a very little bit of soar breasts (not massive), a little bit of back pain. I’m so anxious 😧 took a pregnancy test on Monday (I know to soon)and today. Both negative... My husband said he noticed a change in my breasts.. when should I test again? What do you girls think??