Help !😣


okay so me and my so had sex last montn sometime im not sure when because we quit keeping track because i feel that keeps my kind off of it a little bit we also used preseed 😊but ive been cramping 2 weeks before my period and that isnt normal for me at all ! they arent really bad cramps tho i also got this discharge on these dates

and then it stopped like last weekend and i havent seen it since but ive still been cramping it comes and goes they dont last like period cramps do and then today on march 22nd i had this discharge

and to me that was really weird it was a awful lot too not to mention glow says im 1 day late on my period and my other app says im 2 days late i took a test the other day but it was negative 😕 but it was one of the cheapy ones do you think it could just be to soon ? from my ovia <a href="">pregnancy app</a> it says i could be 4 weeks but you never know i have been eating more and my boobs hurt pretty bad and im more tired thats about it . ❤