Dreams and Signs

Maryan • TTC 🌈 baby

I mc in Sept a few days before my bday...well it was my first pregnancy I was just 2 months married and had just had 2 recent losses in the family. Needless to say it was just a terrible time for my dh and I. I was sad moody and just all around angry because we lost so much in such a short period of time. I remember praying to God and asking him to heal us and to bring happiness back into our lives. He answered and now I'm at peace I have come to understand that sometimes these hardships actually work to strengthen us. It helped bring is even closer together and I can say that I feel a miracle is on the way. When I can't possibly say but recently I have been having dreams of gender reveals and my husband had a dream where I was driving and there was a rainbow in the sky and he told me drive faster to get closer to it. Last weekend we went fishing and I looked up at the sky thanking God for all his wonders and there was a rainbow in the sky!!! Then 2 nights ago I dreamt that I had blood drawn and I was pregnant and both my mom and mother in law were there smiling....I just pray to soon be a mom that God mayngrant us that wish to become parents!