3 missed periods. early start of menopause?

Michelle • Chell❤🍁

I'm 24 years old. 165 lbs 5'3. lightly active.

my last period was on December 18-22 2017. i haven't had one since then :/. I'm a little irregular but not to the point of missing 3 periods. I bought the clear blue advanced ovulation kit and i've been getting flashy smiley faces all this week. which means im ovulating right ? meaning im not in a pre menoupase stage and i can ttc ? help? i cant get blood done for pregnancy unless i have a positive pee test and so far that hasn't happened. I asked my doctor and all she said was "keep having alot of sex since your hormones are crazy".

(Also, before my mom had me she had a cyst she had to get removed. idk..)

I'm stressed out. Anthing will help

Was on birth control 4 years ago.